Sight-seeing toursSight-seeing tours into foreign countriesSince the beginning of 90s, the teachers of History and German have organized many sight-seeing tours into different European countries. The main aim of these tours was to familiarize students with architecture, famous galleries, natural heritage and culture of these countries. Students have visited Italy, France, Germany (mainly Swiss Saxony and Dresden) and Austria (mainly Vienna) several times. Nowadays, even other teachers try to keep the tradition alive and organize tours to Paris and Loira castles with the help of travel agencies. Contacts with foreign schoolsIn 2004 our school engaged in the international project Comenius – school
cooperation. The aim of this project is to support the cooperation among
teachers and students from different European countries. The project enables
students to meet and understand traditions, culture and way of life in
partnership countries. The project-partners of our school are Germany, Portugal and Malta.