Sports and sporting possibilitiesSports and sporting possibilitiesOur sports facility consists of gymnasium, two bodybuilding gyms, two sport
grounds (suitable for basketball, football, softball, volleyball, football-tennis)
and clay running tracks. One sport ground (80x30m) is covered with artificial
turf and the second one (60x40m) with clay turf. The countryside close to the
school is suitable for jogging, walking and in winter for cross-country skiing.
Sport coursesDuring the 4-year studies, students take part in one-week skiing and one-week hiking courses. These courses with various activities are very popular. In recent years, skiing course for the 1st grade students is held in Říčky in Orlické Hory. The course concentrates on both down-hill and cross-country skiing. The hiking course for the 3rd grade students is organized at Pastviny dam area. It concentrates on cycling, watercraft, mountaineering, orienteering and binding of the knobs. Our students – representatives of the Czech republicOur students, who represent the Czech republic in the international
championships, have achieved great results.